Monday, February 27, 2012

Results from Amazon's KDP Select works.

So...I had my doiubts, but no more. KDP Select delivers as promised. Thanks to all of you who checked out my book over the President's Day holiday. It reached the Top 10 in downloads for the Fiction-Ghosts and for the Fiction-Occult & Supernatural categories in both the US and the UK.

My next giveaway through Amazon's KDP Select begins March 23 and ends March 25. Download The Case Files of Thomas Carney for free. If you have Amazon Prime, you can borrow the book any time for don't have to wait until March 23!

Here's the link for my book in the Amazon Kindle Store
For readers in the UK, go to Amazon UK Kindle Store

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Red Adept Review on The Case Files of Thomas Carney

Thank you to SingleEyePhotos for a very fair and well-considered review of my book.
To read the review in its entirety, click here:  Red Adept Reviews

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

KDP Select

As of today, the eBook format for The Case Files of Thomas Carney is available exclusively through Amazon via their new KDP select program. I've heard good things--so I signed on. We'll see in 90 days.

Through KDP select, I'm offering a promotion. Over the President's Day holiday--on Sunday, February 19 and Monday, February 20--you can download the eBook for free. That's $0.00. Give it a try.