Okay, listen up. One, the Death card--the one with the scythe-bearing skeleton on it--may look creepy, but does not foretell physical death. It is a card of personal transformation (think a phoenix rising from the ashes) or of things coming to a natural end in the querent's life. Any reader who foretells anyone's death from this card is not only ignorant, they're irresponsible. There are combinations of cards that do hint at illness and the possible death of someone around you (I know... I got them a few days before my father passed away) but guess what. The Death card isn't one of them. Tell you what. I've got a prediction for you. You're going to die. We all are. To borrow a phrase from the Lizard King--no one here gets out alive.
Look at it this way. A Tarot card reading is like a snapshot of where you are on your path. It shows events that led you to your current point, what is passing out of your life and what is moving into it. It gives insight into how your feelings and actions and those of others are affecting your life. The outcome tells you what will occur if you continue along this path. Remember, you have free will. You can change your life's path. If you allow the cards to impart some wisdom to you about what changes need to be made or what actions you need to take, so much the better. But the cards rarely predict some specific, catastrophic event.
She draws five cards.