Launching your first magnum opus into the void is a daunting task to say the least. I'd read blog after blog, web page after web page touting the merits of entering the publishing world only through literary agents. No one would take me seriously if an agent didn't validate my work, they all cried. Only an agent could pronounce me worthy and provide the golden ticket into publishing. Not only that, but my query letter had to be a master work in itself, properly phrased, formatted only as requested, addressed as required. Mine had to stand out to the agent overwhelmed by a torrent of requests for their valuable time and attention. If not, I wouldn't get past the assistant's assistant. Instant delete.
I spent countless hours perfecting my query letter. Properly respectful, enthusiastic but not boastful, no typos, no misspelled or misused words, minimum plot points for maximum effect, three character limit and on and on and on. Then I spent the following three months researching individual agents, scouring their agency sites, pouring over their blogs and targeting my queries only to those who professed an interest in my genre, subject matter, or style--commercial fiction, paranormal mystery, supernatural, noir, quirky, funny, smart, a strong narrative voice. The 45 rejections I received fell into three categories:
1. Polite and encouraging - "Dear Ms. Wolfe. Thank you for sending me your work. Interesting premise, but not for me right now. Best of luck."
2. Curt - "Dear (your name here). Not for me. Thanks."
3. Did not deign to respond.
I must have done something wrong. I rewrote the query letter and tried again. Another few months wasted. Different agents, same responses. I remembered Einstein's saying--"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result." Time to toss aside the old school. I checked into e-publishing. My novel debuted as a Kindle ebook in January 2011.
I know literary agents need to convince new authors that only they can show them the true path. It's a tough economy and they want to keep their jobs. But it's a brave new world. We don't need prior validation anymore. We have the option of letting our readers decide if we are worthy.
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